Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 11, 2007 - LOWER DEVIL'S PUNCHBOWL FALLS; Stoney Creek, Ontario

To access the Lower portion of Devil's Punchbowl we had to do some "investigative" hiking which involved a nice, moderate walk down a very narrow road and had to look for a narrow pathway in the roadside. Once we found this narrow pathway, we followed it until it opened up a amazing, enchanting world. To think this beauty was a stones throw away from Hamilton is rather hard to believe!!! Below is the path that we had to walk down to get to the Lower portion.

This is the best picture of the entire Lower Punchbowl waterfalls. Sadly - there was absolutely no water cascading over the edge of the falls but if you used your imagination - you could just picture how nice it would look. The one drawback of this area was due to the fact that it was located in an urban area. It reminded us of Rock Glen in Arkona - but an urban version of that. There was graffiti all over the place.. on rocks and trees. There were computer monitors, shopping carts, golf balls and baby strollers all strew about the area of the Lower falls. It was EXTREMELY difficult to orchestrate a decent photo to capture the pure beauty of this place but the following pictures were my best attempts at doing just that!

Some of the rock may appear to be red. From the bottom of the falls, you can see the many different coloured layers of stone, sand and fossils that make up the Escarpment in this area. The Punch Bowl is the only area where you can view such a large vertical display of Silurian stratified rock. Some of the layers include Queenston Formation red shale, Cabot Head grey shale, limestone and shale dolomite which are more evident in the pictures of the Upper Devil's Punchbowl.

Sometimes - you just gotta get a little silly. This is an example of what happens when you put the camera on timer and set it to take 10 simultaneous pictures! LOL

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